Movie Name: ACCEPTED

The first film that made me aware of certain previously unnoticed perspectives in this society was "Accepted" (2006)". Everything in this film was accurate to life in our culture today. This film demonstrated how unique each person is. I think it has a lot of important lessons for youth. Firstly, this movie encourages everyone to embrace their individuality, differences and uniqueness. In the movie, you will notice every type of youth — a boy with attention deficit disorder, empty-headed youngsters, punk music group, etc.– who are rejected from universities because of different reasons including the fact that they do not conform. Why? Because they are not what are perceived to be “normal functioning members” of society. This movie showcases the important message of unleashing your creativity. Young people should make use of their out-of-the-box ideas to make something meaningful for their own future. Give yourself a role in decision-making. Let’s say you are going to set your educational or career choice. Ask yourself: What do you want to study? Cooking? Cool, go for it. What do you want to be? A magician? Alright, go for it. Do not let the structured school curriculum and judgmental society strip away your creativity and block out your voice in decision-making. The movie highlighted that, people do not only learn with the help of the syllabus, books and all the materials existed in the classroom but also people learn because they experience something. There's a saying in the movie that learning is paying attention and opening ourselves to great big ball that we called life. On the other hand, in the technology in education, this movie used the beauty of technology through their creativity. Using the technology, the main characters created a website and portal wherein the students could enroll and monitor their achievements in school.

Credit to the owner of the image.


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